Love will not elude us, love is simple
(lyric by KD Lang)
Love is the beating heart of relationships. And relationships shape who we are. From the moment of conception to the end of our lives, we become ourselves through relationships: they are how we learn to know and love ourselves.
I spent my childhood observing the painful ruptures that occurred in my parents’ relationship, one that ended in divorce. And I have spent my adulthood seeking for ways to heal those ruptures. My passion to understand and heal comes from personal experience, from witnessing the people in my life struggling to create safe and loving connections.
After working with a number of relationship models with only moderate success, I finally found a framework that offers exceptional support for relationship ruptures and healing. IFIO — Intimacy from the Inside Out — offers a way to help couples understand how they unwittingly keep themselves out of connection. And it brilliantly helps them learn new ways of relating to themselves and each other, creating the conditions for safer, more loving connection.